
In this section we’ll walk through the steps you need to run a scan in Nuclei and connect your scan to ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform (PDCP).

Run a Scan

To run a scan, from a terminal window with your Nuclei installation, use the nuclei -target or nuclei -u option to designate a target/host.

For example, a command might look like:

nuclei -target http://honey.scanme.sh -cloud-upload
  • This example uses a sample site from ProjectDiscovery (http://honey.scanme.sh)
  • The -cloud-upload flag is required to share results with PDCP
  • You can run this command against any URL you want (with appropriate permissions)
  • To reduce or narrow the scan results you can select a specific template folder for your scan
    • For example nuclei -u http://buffer.com -t dns/ -cloud-upload

And the output of your command (scan) would be:

                     __     _
   ____  __  _______/ /__  (_)
  / __ \/ / / / ___/ / _ \/ /
 / / / / /_/ / /__/ /  __/ /
/_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/\___/_/   v3.1.0


[INF] Current nuclei version: v3.1.0 (latest)
[INF] Current nuclei-templates version: v9.6.9 (latest)
[INF] To view results on cloud dashboard, visit https://cloud.projectdiscovery.io/scans upon scan completion.
[INF] New templates added in latest release: 73
[INF] Templates loaded for current scan: 71
[INF] Executing 71 signed templates from projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates
[INF] Targets loaded for current scan: 1
[INF] Using Interactsh Server: oast.live
[CVE-2017-9506] [http] [medium] http://honey.scanme.sh/plugins/servlet/oauth/users/icon-uri?consumerUri=http://clk37fcdiuf176s376hgjzo3xsoq5bdad.oast.live
[CVE-2019-9978] [http] [medium] http://honey.scanme.sh/wp-admin/admin-post.php?swp_debug=load_options&swp_url=http://clk37fcdiuf176s376hgyk9ppdqe9a83z.oast.live
[CVE-2019-8451] [http] [medium] http://honey.scanme.sh/plugins/servlet/gadgets/makeRequest
[CVE-2015-8813] [http] [high] http://honey.scanme.sh/Umbraco/feedproxy.aspx?url=http://clk37fcdiuf176s376hgj885caqoc713k.oast.live
[CVE-2020-24148] [http] [critical] http://honey.scanme.sh/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=moove_read_xml
[CVE-2020-5775] [http] [medium] http://honey.scanme.sh/external_content/retrieve/oembed?endpoint=http://clk37fcdiuf176s376hgyyxa48ih7jep5.oast.live&url=foo
[CVE-2020-7796] [http] [critical] http://honey.scanme.sh/zimlet/com_zimbra_webex/httpPost.jsp?companyId=http://clk37fcdiuf176s376hgi9b8sd33se5sr.oast.live%23
[CVE-2017-18638] [http] [high] http://honey.scanme.sh/composer/send_email?to=hVsp@XOvw&url=http://clk37fcdiuf176s376hgyf8y81i9oju3e.oast.live
[CVE-2018-15517] [http] [high] http://honey.scanme.sh/index.php/System/MailConnect/host/clk37fcdiuf176s376hgi5j3fsht3dchj.oast.live/port/80/secure/
[CVE-2021-45967] [http] [critical] http://honey.scanme.sh/services/pluginscript/..;/..;/..;/getFavicon?host=clk37fcdiuf176s376hgh1y3xjzb3yjpy.oast.live
[CVE-2021-26855] [http] [critical] http://honey.scanme.sh/owa/auth/x.js
[INF] Scan results uploaded! View them at https://cloud.projectdiscovery.io/scans/clk37krsr14s73afc3ag

Viewing Your Scan

After the scan is complete a URL will display on the command line interface. Visit this URL to check your results in PDCP.

PDCP Result Dashboard

Your scan results will also be available in the Scan tab of PDCP with a generic system generated name. You can rename the scan to identify it later.

After more than one scan “results” tab shows the scan results for all scans in your PDCP environment.

Nuclei scans connected and uploaded to PDCP are scheduled for automatic cleanup after 30 days. This duration is subject to change as we gauge user feedback and requirements.



Scans offer the ability to:

  • View a list of all scans in your PDCP install.
  • View details of an individual scan.
    • Sort for severity or status, export scan details, change status, search results.


Templates include our Template Editor to write your own custom templates.

  • Experiment with using our AI Assitance to create custom templates.
  • Share your custom templates

Learn more about our Templates.

Next Steps

After walking through this PDCP Free User Guide, if you’re interested in joining the waitlist for PDCP Teams request to be added here.